Elevate and Illuminate: Fatima-Zahra on Tech, Marketing, and Mia

Meet Fatima, a vibrant and forward-thinking Changemaker of Mia!

Hailing from Morocco, she’s a marketing passionate on a mission. Her entrepreneurial spirit led her to establish FZ Communications, where she's interweaving creativity, strategy, and tech to revolutionize the marketing world.

Beyond business, she’s deeply rooted in faith, family, and personal growth, with a fervent desire to uplift her community.

Dive into our enlightening conversation with this trailblazer, as she shares her Mia journey, her learnings, and her undying zest for continuous growth.

Hi Fatima! Please tell us more about you.

Hi! I’m Fatima-Zahra, everyone calls me Fatima and I love it!

I'm 24 years old, from Morocco and I'm a marketing strategist, a creative collaborator and currently building FZ Communications, a creative and strategic Marketing agency. I'm Morocco-based but open to working with clients worldwide.  

I aim to create a safe, open,  inspiring, and creative space for brands, entrepreneurs, and visionary builders to come and share their ideas and together we can bring their visions and dreams to life. This agency is built on the intersection of creativity, strategy, and AI-powered tech, and I'm really excited about it.

Give us 3 words to describe you.

Faithful, Creative, Sensitive

What are your hobbies or interests?

Besides my work that I'm truly passionate about, I love self-improvement and wellness.

I also love to grow spiritually and learn more about spirituality and religion, I enjoy all things creative at home from gardening, DIY, and spending time with family.

Can you share 1 or 2 big goals you have for your life?

Be good and do good. My biggest goal has always been to help and take care of my family, my community, and anyone I came across.

I've constantly dreamt of someday being in a position that allows me to help others, financially or in terms of career guidance, and more.

How did you hear about Mia?

Last year, I was in the US for a women's leadership program. Since that was the subject of my academic research, I had to connect with women leaders on Linkedin.

As I started to consume that content, one of the ladies I connected with had reshared a Mia post (I don't recall her name but grateful she did!). I read it and saw that they were opening applications, and I applied and got selected.

It was really the highlight of my last summer!

When did you join Mia?

In the Summer of 2022, I was part of the founding leaders of the first cohort and an alumnus of Mia.

Why did you join Mia?

It was really the perfect time and like a God-send. At that time, everyone was talking about the metaverse, web3, and NFTs and as a marketer, I had to learn these things. I was feeling behind but was ready to learn, and that's when Mia showed up!

What did you learn with Mia?

A lot! Honestly, I learned the basics of the metaverse, web3, and emerging tech like VR/AR.

I learned about marketing and branding, career development, investing, and building a growth mindset.

What was your experience or overall opinion about Mia? How did joining Mia impact your life or goals?

It was an amazing experience! Not only did I learn new skills, but it also opened my eyes to new horizons, and a new career perspective, I also met incredible people, grew my network, and connected with like-minded and ambitious ladies.

I call it the "school of the future", it has everything you need to succeed in both your personal and professional life and because of that amazing community and all the learning sessions, it takes you to another level, to push boundaries and become the best person you are meant to be.

The team is also amazing, they made our experience so smooth. They were always there and they took care of everything; even the little details. Mia's value-packed emails were(still are) so good to read, and the Zoom calls were really fun. 1 hour was never enough!

What was the hardest part of your experience?

Saying goodbye when we were done!

What was the easiest part of your experience?

The accessibility of the team and the resources

Being open and vulnerable, you can express how you feel and what you think without feeling uncomfortable. You feel heard and seen and really supported and no one judges you!

What was your favorite part about being part of Mia?

I always feel that I'm ahead when it comes to tech and marketing.

Being part of Mia means you are someone who knows what's happening around the world regarding AI and emerging tech. Also, the network and the team are my favorite aspects of being part of Mia.

What do you wish most people knew about tech education/training/career development?

A lot of people say you need to learn to say no, but I always say that you need to say yes.

Say yes to learning opportunities, new places, new people. Just say yes and be open and wonders will happen, never self-sabotage or stop yourself from learning a new skill just because you think you are not good at it.
For so long I used to think that tech is hard and it’s not my thing but today I'm more than excited to learn about AI and how AI can boost my creativity and productivity.
If I hadn't said “yes” to Mia and applied, I would never be the same as I am today.

I want people to know that the best investment you can make is when you invest in yourself. It’s really the best ROI; everything changes in you and your work when you invest in yourself.

Learning a new skill should be part of our daily habits and monthly goals. Even with a hectic workday, make sure to spend at least 30 min or 1 hour a day learning a new skill, it’s really worth it, and your future self will thank you for that.

Knowledge is power, and now is the future and now is the time to say yes to learning❤️

Mia is a pioneering Global AI school dedicated to empowering forward-thinking companies and non-technical women through education in AI and emerging technologies.

Our aim is to upskill 1 million women worldwide, driving inclusive innovation in the AI space.